Mughal Empire

History Questions/Answers

Ques:1 Timeline of Mughal Empire.

  • 1526 A.D. :-Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in The first battle of Panipat.
  • 1528 A.D. :-Babar defeated all the Rajputs and control over Delhi and Agra.
  • 1530 A.D. :-Babar passed away.
  • 1530 A.D. :-Humayun take throne of Mughal Empire.
  • 1539 A.D. :-Humayun defeated by Sher Shah Suri in the in The first battle of Chasua.
  • 1540 A.D. :-Humayun ruled till 1540 A.D. and again defeated by Sher Shah Suri in the Battle of Kanuj.
  • 1555 A.D. :-Humayun got help from Persian ruler Safavid Shah and recaptured Delhi and Agra.
  • 1556 A.D. :-Humayun passed away.
  • 1556 A.D. :-Akbar take throne of Mughal Empire when he was only 13 years old and defeated Hemu in The second battle of Panipat.
  • 1605 A.D. :-Akbar passed away.
  • 1605 A.D. :-Jhangir take throne of Mughal Empire.
  • 1615 A.D. :-Jhangir gave permission to British to establish a factory at Surat.
  • 1627 A.D. :-Jhangir passed away.
  • 1627 A.D. :-Shah Jhan take throne of Mughal Empire.
  • 1658 A.D. :-Shah Jhan was imprisoned by his own son Aurangzeb and rule till 1658 A.D. .
  • 1666 A.D. :-Shah Jhan passed away in prison.
  • 1658 A.D. :-Aurangzeb take throne of Mughal Empire and rule till 1707 A.D. .
  • 1707 A.D. :-Aurangzeb passed away.
Ques:2 Explain the causes of decline of Mughal Empire.
Ans:2 Causes of decline of Mughal Empire:-
           (a)After Aurangzeb passed away,his sons tried to kill each other.There was conspiracies and fighting among the Mughal family for throne.

           (b)The successors of Aurangzeb were all weak and incompetent.They were under the complete control of the powerful nobles.

           (c)The economy was completely ruined because of the fights,revolts and foreign invasions such as those of Nabir Shah and Shah Abdali.

           (d)New powers like the Sikh, Jats and Maratha's criticized their independence from the Mughals and formed their own separate states like AwadhBengal and Hyderabad.

            (e)The British started showing interest in the administration of the country.After crashing the revolt of 1857 A.D. , the British sent the last mughal ruler Bahadur  Shah Zafar into exile and took over the administration of the country completely.
Bhadur Shah Zafar
Bahadur Shah Zafar


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